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Articles tagged with: custom home theater system



It’s a fact of modern life: after a hard day at the office, most of us want nothing more than to distance ourselves from that environment. Enjoying dinner with the family and taking the kids to the park or going for a long walk in the neighborhood can certainly fill the bill. But what if the weather isn’t suitable for that, or everyone is simply in the mood to chill out and watch a good movie?

TAGS: custom home theater system | Home Theater | Surround Sound



An essential part of any home theater is a surround sound system that successfully immerses you in “sound all around.” For example, when enjoying your favorite Star Wars movie, you want to feel as if you are right there on the bridge of the Millennium Falcon with Han, Chewy, Luke, and Leia, or riding piggyback with an Ewok on the forest moon of Endor. True surround sound does that for you, due to the strategic placement of various types of speakers in the room. All of the various sounds from the movie soundtrack are fed into different channels of your system, making it possible to direct those sounds to your ears in realistic progression from any location in the room. Just think about all the sounds entailed in such a movie – from the roar of a speeder to the hum of a Light Sabre, to the chatter of Ewoks and the howl of a Wookie, it’s all distinct - yet blended - by a state-of-the-art surround system.

TAGS: Automation | custom home theater system | Distributed Audio | Dolby Atmos | Home Theater | Surround Sound

How to Embrace the Power of the Big-Screen Experience

Finding the Right Equipment for Your Home Theater System

How to Embrace the Power of the Big-Screen Experience

Dedicated home theater systems stand out from their retail counterparts by providing truly immersive audio and dynamic, larger-than-life images. The latter is accomplished by finding the perfect partnership between your projector and screen. It's tempting to want to focus entirely on your projector's power and brightness, but your significant investment would be going to waste if you decided to play it on a blank wall. In this blog, we explain some things you should be taking into account when deciding which screen is the best fit for your Huntsville, Alabama home.

TAGS: custom home theater system | Home Theater | Home Theater Screen

AV Enthusiast

514 Madison St SE
Huntsville, AL 35801

phone:  256.882.5081

424 Church St.
Nashville, TN 37219

phone:  615.338.5827



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