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Alabama Office 256.882.5081   |   Tennessee Office 615.338.5827

Whole House Lighting Control

The holidays are upon us - and that means lots of get togethers with family and friends. It takes time and dedication to present your home in its best light. Inside and outside, you must get every dimmer set just perfectly. Once you have it right, you take a picture so you can show people later how great it looked right before that party you threw that was such a success.

But then, normal life gets in the way and your home looks much more "lived in" for the rest of the year. But wouldn't it be great if you could save all those lighting settings and recapture them at will - with the touch of a single button? Even better - what if you could store dozens of such "scenes" or even hundreds of them and instantly switch between them?

The good news is, this capability is now available and at a surprisingly reasonable price. There are a number of companies that offer solutions in this market, ranging from simultaneous control of 50 to 10,000 devices. RTI, Lutron, Crestron, and the list goes on.

The market is moving at a blinding pace and keeping up with it is almost a full time job. For this reason, it is essential that you have a consultant on your side that can interpret your needs and apply them using the newest, most effective solution to your specific desires.

This amazing whole house automation may have started with lighting, but it certainly doesn't end there. Blinds, drapes, electronic fireplaces, audio systems, nearly anything with an on-off switch or dimmer can be automated and controlled remotely with a single touch. In fact, your "scenes" can be time-scheduled for even further control and automation! For those of us who are eco-conscious, these systems can be fitted with occupancy sensors so that unoccupied rooms will go dark - and instantly come back to the precision lighting plan for the scene selected once occupancy is detected.

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AV Enthusiast

514 Madison St SE
Huntsville, AL 35801

phone:  256.882.5081

424 Church St.
Nashville, TN 37219

phone:  615.338.5827



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