Smart Home Technology: Part Two

Less stress equals better health, no doubt about it! But did you know that your health is also dependent to a great extent on allowing your body to follow its inborn routines?
Your body functions best if allowed to sync to the natural circadian rhythm created by the relationship between the movements of the earth and the sun. Modern societies, however, have moved away from that. Our career-driven lifestyles often disrupt this important cycle of the rising and setting of the sun. Unfortunately, a major result of that is an inability to fall into a deep, restful sleep at night, which interferes with overall good health. Believe it or not, your smart home can help your entire family slip into a more beneficial sleep routine. A major part of this accomplishment is a white-tunable LED lighting system.
White-tunable LED lights can be controlled to automatically adjust the intensity and color of light that they are emitting. Whiter, bluer light in high intensity wakes us up, while yellowish, warmer light in low intensity calms and relaxes us in preparation for sleep. Therefore, it is this type of LED light that is used to sync the body’s internal clock to nature’s rhythms.
At AV Enthusiast are proud to offer our customers the best home automation system in the industry, called Crestron Home. Their Crestron Home OS (operating system) now includes programming called Circadian Lighting Control. When paired with Crestron’s white-tunable LED lights and outdoor SolarSync© photosensors, your indoor light color will mimic outdoor light color. This can prompt your body to fall into rhythm with the rising and setting of the sun, resulting in your ability to fall asleep more easily and deeply.
Just program a routine into Crestron Home, perhaps called “Winding Down,” and your smart home takes over from there. Your motorized shades will be closed, and relaxing, sleep-inducing music will be played to your selected zones. Further, since experts recommend a temperature of 65 degrees and a relative humidity level of 30% to 50% in order to achieve the best sleeping conditions, those conditions will also be adjusted in your HVAC system.
Since air quality is also vastly important to good sleep, Crestron Home will direct your state-of-the-art air purification system to activate as needed to maintain air quality at a desirable threshold.
In addition to air quality, water quality is also tremendously important to the health of every family member, so your water quality is constantly monitored and improved by a Delos whole-house water purification system.
If you awaken during the night for a quick trip to the bathroom, Crestron Home can protect your health as you find your way to your destination and back to your comfy bed. How? Your lighting system can be set to detect motion, so that as soon as you arise, the lights illuminate enough for you to find your way there and back safely.
When the sun rises in the morning, Crestron Home will simultaneously open the shades, adjust the lighting gradually to eye-opening levels, and initiate your programmed choice of rousing music, or perhaps the sounds of nature, such as that of a crowing rooster or the twitter of birds.
Once awake, you can pick up your smart phone from the nightstand (or alternatively, use your Josh.ai voice control system) to kick off a new routine, perhaps called “Start the Day,” which will initiate preparations for your daily shower. The desired air temperature and lighting conditions in your selected bathroom will be wirelessly set, along with the water temperature (using your smart shower system). If your shower has multiple shower heads, your preferred showerhead will be the one already activated at the perfect temperature when you step in. And, naturally, your favorite upbeat music will be saturating the room with energy.
Of course, throughout your home, your entire family will be enjoying this enhanced morning routine. You’ve all had a great night’s sleep and an invigorating shower and are ready to conquer the day’s challenges outside your home.
When you return home in the afternoon, you’re ready for a stress-busting workout in your home gym. You use your Crestron Home app to initiate a routine that you have named, “Healthy Me,” and your smart home goes to work immediately to set all the conditions that you need for a maximized workout environment. Temperature and humidity are set for optimum bodily function, and as you hop on the stationary bike for a quick warm-up, a stirring orchestration of “Gonna Fly Now” blares from overhead KEF speakers, boosting your motivation.
Forty minutes later, as your workout winds down, you’re ready for a quick dip in the pool, and that has also been prepared for you in advance. The pool cover has been rolled back and the water temperature adjusted to the best post-workout level, all accomplished, once again, through the Crestron Home app.
After a vigorous ten laps in the pool, you head to the arboretum for some meditation time. The atmosphere in this specialized room has been customized for this purpose by Crestron Home. The air quality, temperature and humidity simulate that of a tropical rainforest, and the walls are implanted with a variety of tropical plants and vines. Sonance Invisible Series speakers blended into the wall behind the vegetation emit the sounds of jungle creatures in the simulated treetops. As you settle into a comfortable meditation pose, Crestron Home slowly adjusts the lighting, background sounds, and atmospheric conditions to those most favorable for deep meditation.
Having refreshed yourself completely and dispelled workday stress, you’re now ready for a quiet dinner with the family, followed by family movie night in your home theater. Just the prescription for good health!
Questions? AV Enthusiast has the answers!
Call us at 256.882.5081 to schedule a consultation in your home or drop by our Huntsville office at 514 Madison Street during normal office hours of Monday-Friday 9 to 5 or Saturday 10 to 3.
We look forward to meeting you!
- Tags: Automation | Creston Home | smart home