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CrestronOS4 tabletoptouchscreen

None of us like to think about it, but progressing to an advanced age can present unwelcome challenges that at times seem insurmountable. This situation can be greatly improved with the use of modern home automation technology, such as Crestron Home.

In these situations, you simply need help at your fingertips, and you need everything to be as easy for you as possible.  Ideally, you want to continue to live in your own home for as long as possible, rather than in an institution. Your ability to function safely in your home environment is of utmost importance.


If you are over the age of sixty-five, you may very well be having issues with balance and failing eyesight.  This is a common occurrence at this age, and adds to the risk of falling, which according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is the number one cause of injury and injury death for this age group.

Add issues with poor memory to the mix, and you definitely have a recipe for disaster.  For example, let’s say that your arthritic joints have been giving you fits all day, and all you want to do is settle into your recliner, watch Wheel of Fortune, and hope that your pain medication kicks in quickly.  You have just gotten comfortable in the recliner when you realize that you left the remote control for the TV on the end table across the room, and you meant to close the shades and turn on the overhead lights before you sat down.  You manage to extract yourself from the recliner fairly quickly, but in the dimming afternoon light you fail to see the cat who had settled near your feet.  Fighting to avoid stepping on dear Hissy, you lose your balance and hit the floor hard. This is not going to be the relaxing evening that you were hoping for.

Now let’s look at this scenario from a different angle, one in which you have a Crestron Home Smart Automation System.  In this specialized home environment, many of the devices in your home are “smart.”  In other words, they have been designed to respond to commands that they receive over your home network from a central processing unit (CPU) that is in constant contact with them.  In reality, though, you are still the boss, because you tell the CPU what you want to happen and when you want it to happen using your choice of interface device. Interface devices are available in multiple forms, such as tabletop and wall-mounted touchscreens, hand-held remote controls that may include voice control, or simply an app on your smartphone.

Imagine what a difference it would have made in the scenario above if you had had a Crestron Home Smart Automation System.  You have Crestron touchscreens located throughout your home in the places you frequent the most, including all end tables, so after you have settled into your recliner, it takes just one touch of an icon on a well-lit screen to operate the TV, the overhead tunable LED lights, the window shades, and even the thermostat, all without getting up.  Rather than spending the night in the emergency room, you enjoy the company of Pat Sajak and Vanna White before drifting off into pain-free sleep.

Got questions?  Please call our office at 256-882-5081 during normal office hours to schedule a home consultation with our Integration Specialist. 

The AV Enthusiast showroom is located at 514 Madison Street in Huntsville, Alabama.  Our office hours are Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM and Saturday from 10 AM to 3 PM. 

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AV Enthusiast

514 Madison St SE
Huntsville, AL 35801

phone:  256.882.5081

424 Church St.
Nashville, TN 37219

phone:  615.338.5827



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