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Smart Home Technology: Part One


Perhaps you have heard a lot of chatter about smart homes and have come away with the impression that it’s all very complicated. Actually, a smart home will simplify and enrich your life.

There’s an old saying: “Home is where the heart is.” You want it to be the sanctuary that you return to each night to make memories with your loved ones, and hopefully, distance yourself from the hectic stresses of the outside world.

Unfortunately, our homes can sometimes be as stressful as our work environment due to the often-haphazard progression of modern electronic technologies in the last 60 years.

For example, until the proliferation of cable TV in the late 1980’s, it was a frequent chore for the man of the house to climb a ladder to re-adjust the directional position of the antenna receiving the off-air signals. The elimination of this hazardous chore was a welcome relief for the average homeowner, who welcomed the addition of a set-top cable box as a no-brainer. No antenna needed, and one major stressor eliminated!

Fast-forward to today, and the average household has a media closet full of interface boxes for each and every entertainment system in the home, along with a mess of cables and wires that are a necessary evil in order for it all to function. Worst of all, there is a separate remote control for each and every electronic gadget in the house! More stress just to find the remote control that you need!


Fortunately, this and many other small but irritating stressors in your life can be eliminated by transforming your humble abode into a Smart Home. This latest technology innovation streamlines and integrates all of the separate systems that may currently be in use in your home: entertainment systems, lighting systems, home access systems (locks), security systems, HVAC systems, motorized window covering systems and even spa/pool operation systems. After your smart home system is operational, their access and control will all be consolidated into one system and will be controlled by just one app operating quietly and efficiently in the background. Add voice control if you like, further simplifying your life with hands-free operation.

Allow it to be your butler, of sorts. Always there to assist you and make things easier rather than more complicated.


At AV Enthusiast, our goal is to provide our customers with the absolute best when it comes to a home automation product, and that means installing a smart home system called Crestron Home. Crestron is the recognized industry leader in automated control system products for both commercial and residential use.

As a perfect complement to Crestron Home, we pair it with a voice control system that you may not be aware of, called Josh. We believe that Josh is far superior to other more widely-advertised brands in the field, for many highly important reasons. First and foremost, in our minds, is that it protects your privacy by storing your voice commands locally rather than on a cloud network, preventing your information from being uploaded to the internet and being used for marketing purposes. For further privacy protection, the voice sensors located throughout the home can be manually switched off. Plus, if you’re using Josh to control security devices, the system ensures that only your family members have access.

Just as important as the privacy protections provided by Josh is the fact that it has far better Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities than its’ competitors. This gives it the ability to understand and process more intricate voice commands.

In addition, since Josh knows what room you’re in when you speak, it eliminates the need to say, “Okay, Josh” before each separate command. So, for example, if you’re in your study and you say, “Okay, Josh, close the shades,” you can immediately follow up with “Bring up the lights 50 percent.”

In a smart home using both Josh and Crestron Home, the two systems work in conjunction with each other to give your home a “brain” that is programmed to support your family in its busy lifestyle. Josh will be issuing commands to the Crestron home app, which will be simultaneously communicating with multiple subsystem apps, which in turn are controlling the operation of the physical devices that they are programmed to communicate with. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, but you can relax and let the technology free you to enjoy the end result.

Say goodbye to the mess in your media closet and all of those individual handheld remote controls! Can you feel a bit of the stress melting away?

This post is Part One of our new series, "SMART HOME TECHNOLOGY." Please check back next week for Part Two, "ENHANCE YOUR HEALTH WITH A SMART HOME."

Questions? AV Enthusiast has the answers!

Call us at 256.882.5081 to schedule a consultation in your home or drop by our Huntsville office at 514 Madison Street Monday-Friday from 9 to 5 or Saturday from 10 to 3.

We look forward to meeting you!

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Huntsville, AL 35801

phone:  256.882.5081

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phone:  615.338.5827



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